How does one go about registering a company name or logo in India?Info Shri2023-05-18T05:30:42-05:30May 18, 2023|
What role does a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) play in the online company registration process?Info Shri2023-05-18T05:28:43-05:30May 18, 2023|
Is it feasible to run several enterprises from a single private limited company?Info Shri2023-05-18T05:26:13-05:30May 18, 2023|
Is GST registration required for a private limited business during the online registration process?Info Shri2023-05-18T05:19:42-05:30May 18, 2023|
What does “authorised capital” mean in the context of a private limited company with a capital of one lakh rupees?Info Shri2023-05-18T04:12:03-05:30May 18, 2023|