Limited Company Registration

Limited Company Registration


A limited corporation is a legal entity that exists independently of its owners. It offers its shareholders limited liability protection, which means that their personal assets are protected from the company’s debts and responsibilities. Limited firms, which are often utilised by medium to large-scale businesses, are distinguished by the phrases “Ltd.” or “Limited” in their name. They have their own legal personality, are able to enter into contracts, possess assets, and participate in a variety of commercial operations while complying to particular legal and financial constraints.

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All the legal fee will be extra as per applicable by the govt.


Some of the benefits of a limited company are:

  • Limited Liability: Shareholders of a limited company have limited liability, which means their personal assets are not at risk in case of business losses or debts.
  • Perpetual Existence: A limited company has perpetual existence, which means it can continue to exist even if the directors or shareholders change.
  • Access to Capital: A limited company can raise capital through various sources such as share issues, loans, and debentures.
  • Credibility: A limited company has more credibility in the market as it has to comply with legal requirements and regulations.
  • Tax Benefits: Limited companies can avail tax benefits and exemptions on certain business expenses and investments.
  • Employee Benefits: Limited companies can offer employee benefits such as pension schemes, health insurance, and stock options.
  • Separate Legal Entity: A limited company is a separate legal entity from its directors and shareholders, which means it can enter into contracts, borrow money, and own property in its own name.
